SOAP Bible Study Method: Simple, Impactful, and Perfect for You

Hey friend!

Okay, so, I’ve been thinking lately about how we sometimes make Bible study a little more complicated than it needs to be, right? Like, you sit down with your Bible and a cup of coffee, ready to dive in, but somehow it ends up feeling overwhelming. You’re not alone in that! I mean, there are so many different ways to study the Bible, but today I really want to share something that’s been super helpful for me. It’s the SOAP method. And no, I’m not talking about washing your hands (though, you know, cleanliness is next to godliness).

The SOAP method is a simple, intentional way to study Scripture that helps it really sink into your heart. And honestly, it’s perfect for women like us who are juggling a million things and need something that’s meaningful but not super complicated.

Let’s break it down, together! ❤️

What is the SOAP Method?

SOAP stands for:

  • S: Scripture
  • O: Observation
  • A: Application
  • P: Prayer

Super easy, right? But let me tell you, once you get into it, you’ll find it’s deep and really connects you to the Word in a new way. It’s like hanging out with an old friend but having those conversations where you learn something new about them every time. You know what I mean? Let’s look at each part.

S – Scripture

First off, this is where you get into the actual Word. It’s where the magic starts! You pick a passage or a verse to focus on for the day. Now, don’t worry—this doesn’t have to be a huge chunk of text. You’re not cramming for finals here, girl. You can keep it simple.

I personally love starting with a verse that’s been speaking to me, or maybe something that popped up in a devotional I’ve been reading. Sometimes, if I feel led, I’ll dive into a chapter, but most days, just a couple of verses are perfect. The key is just to be in the Word consistently, no matter how much or how little you choose to read.

Here’s what I do: I write the verse down. Physically writing out Scripture is like giving it a little more room in my heart. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about seeing those words on paper that makes them stick. Plus, it helps me slow down and really think about what I’m reading.

Let’s say you’re starting with Galatians 6:9 (one of my faves!):

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

I mean, wow, right? Who doesn’t need that reminder on those hard days when you feel like giving up? But before I get ahead of myself (which I tend to do), let’s move on to the next part.

O – Observation

Alright, now that you’ve got your Scripture, it’s time to make some observations. This is where you get to play detective. I like to ask questions like:

  • What is this verse saying?
  • Who is it written to?
  • What stands out to me?
  • Are there any repeated words or themes?

I think of this part as just letting the verse sit with me for a minute and marinate. I might even read the surrounding verses to get a little context. Sometimes, I’ll go back and read it in another translation just to see if something new stands out. You’d be surprised how different wording can make a verse hit differently.

When I look at Galatians 6:9, for example, I immediately notice the word “weary.” That word just jumps out at me because, honestly, don’t we all feel weary at times? But Paul is encouraging us not to give up, especially when we’re doing good things. It’s like he’s saying, “Hey, I know it’s tough, but keep going. You’ve got this.”

A – Application

This is where things get real. This part is all about how the Scripture applies to you—right now, in your life. I ask myself, “How can I take what I’ve read and live it out today?” This is the part that really gets me every time. It’s so easy to read Scripture and think, “Oh, that’s nice,” but if it doesn’t move you to change something or do something differently, then it’s not sinking in as deeply as it should.

Galatians 6:9, for instance, hits me right in the heart on days when I feel like I’m juggling too much (which is, let’s be honest, almost every day). Maybe you’re in the same boat. Between work, family, friendships, church, or just managing your own sanity, it’s easy to feel like you’re constantly giving and not seeing any results. But Paul is telling us not to give up, because the harvest will come.

For me, this verse reminds me to keep being patient and faithful, even when I’m not seeing immediate results. It’s that nudge I need to keep showing up in love and trust that God’s timing is perfect, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.

P – Prayer

Last but definitely not least, we bring it all to God in prayer. This part is like sealing the deal. It’s where I ask God to help me live out what I’ve just read and reflected on. Sometimes, it’s as simple as, “Lord, please give me strength not to give up today,” or, “God, thank You for reminding me that You see the good I’m doing, even when I don’t.”

Prayer is that sweet time of conversation with God, where I get to pour out my heart and let Him speak into my life. And honestly, friend, there are days when this part of the SOAP method becomes a lifeline for me. Because let’s be real—life can get heavy, and knowing that God is right there with us, guiding us through His Word, makes all the difference.

Why the SOAP Method Works

So why does this simple method work so well? I think it’s because it helps us slow down and really engage with Scripture instead of just reading it and moving on with our day. It makes you think, apply, and pray over the Word, which helps it stick.

And let’s not forget that life is busy. I totally get it. The SOAP method is something that doesn’t take a ton of time but still gives you that deeper connection with God and His Word. It’s doable whether you’ve got 5 minutes or 30 minutes.

Plus, it’s flexible. You can SOAP through a book of the Bible, or you can SOAP through specific themes like joy, peace, or, you know, that whole patience thing we all struggle with. (Just me?)

My SOAP Routine

Now, I’m not perfect, and I don’t always get my Bible study time in every single day. But I try to make it a habit. Here’s how my typical SOAP routine looks, in case it helps you get started:

  1. Find a quiet spot – I’m talking about that little cozy nook where you won’t get distracted, whether it’s at your kitchen table, a comfy chair, or even in your car (parked, of course).
  2. Grab my Bible, a notebook, and a pen – Nothing fancy needed here. I just grab a simple notebook where I can write down the verse, my thoughts, and the prayer.
  3. Pick a verse – Sometimes, I’m already following a reading plan, but other times, I’ll just flip through or pick a verse from a topic I’m thinking about.
  4. Write the verse – Like I mentioned earlier, writing the verse out helps me slow down and soak it in. Plus, it’s fun to look back at my notes and see how God’s Word has spoken to me over time.
  5. Make observations – I jot down things that stand out, questions I might have, or anything that feels important in that moment.
  6. Apply it to my life – This is where the rubber meets the road. I think about how this verse is speaking to my current situation and what I need to do differently because of it.
  7. Pray – I always end with prayer, asking God to help me live out what I’ve learned.

SOAP in Community

Here’s something else that can be fun: try doing the SOAP method with a friend or in a small group. You can all SOAP through the same verse and then come together to share your observations and applications. It’s amazing how God can show each of us different things through the same Scripture. Plus, it’s a great way to stay accountable.

Or, if you’re more of an introvert like me (hey, no shame!), you could join an online community or group where you can quietly share and encourage one another. There’s something really special about knowing you’re not doing this faith journey alone.

Final Thoughts (You Got This!)

Listen, girl, I know life gets crazy. And sometimes, the last thing you feel like you have time for is a Bible study. But the SOAP method is such a refreshing way to stay connected to God’s Word without overcomplicating things. You don’t have to be a Bible scholar or have hours of free time. Just show up, grab your Bible, and let God speak to you through His Word.

If you try it, let me know how it goes! I’d love to hear what God is showing you

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