How to Choose the Right Bible Study (Without Feeling Overwhelmed!)

Let’s be real, sometimes choosing a Bible study can feel like shopping for the perfect pair of jeans. You want it to fit just right, not too tight or uncomfortable, but not so loose that it feels like you’re wearing a sack, either. It needs to hit that sweet spot where it’s exactly what you need. So, if you’ve been feeling a little lost in a sea of Bible study options, girl, I get it. There are so many out there! I’m going to break down a few things that might help you pick the right one, especially if you’ve been standing in the middle of the “Bible Study Aisle” (aka scrolling through recommendations online) thinking, “Where do I even start?!”

What Season Are You In?

Before diving into all the options, take a moment to ask yourself this one important question: What season of life am I in right now?

This can make a HUGE difference in the type of study you choose. Are you in a season where everything feels chaotic—work, kids, home life, the dog won’t stop barking at the wind? Maybe you’re a new mom just trying to make it through the day without your coffee getting cold (again). Or maybe you’re in a sweet season where you have a bit more time on your hands to dive deeper into Scripture. Your current season will definitely help you narrow down your choices.

If life is bananas right now, it’s okay to pick something lighter! Don’t feel guilty about it either. God isn’t keeping track of the number of hours you log in Bible study. He cares more about your heart and spending time with Him, no matter how long that is. So, give yourself some grace. Maybe a short devotional-style study or a study on a specific theme (like peace, grace, or joy) would be perfect for you right now.

If, on the other hand, you’re in a season where you’ve got some space and margin to really dig in, then go for something deeper, like a study that walks you through a whole book of the Bible or one that includes some challenging reflection questions.

The right Bible study should fit where you are right now. Not where you think you should be or where someone else is. It’s personal, so let’s not make it a comparison game, okay?

Know Your Learning Style (Yes, That’s a Thing!)

Okay, I know this might sound a little bit like a flashback to middle school, but how you learn matters. Some of us learn by hearing, others by reading or even doing something hands-on. When you’re choosing a Bible study, think about how you best absorb information.

  • Visual learners might love studies that include videos, illustrations, or even some guided Bible journaling.
  • Auditory learners may benefit from audio studies or podcasts that dig into Scripture, paired with their reading.
  • Hands-on learners (where you at, fellow doodlers and note-takers?) might prefer a study that allows space for journaling, verse mapping, or personal reflection. You know, something where you can interact with the Word instead of just reading it.

The Bible study world is packed with different types of resources for all kinds of learners, so there’s really something for everyone. Maybe you’re someone who likes to keep things simple—just you, your Bible, and a notebook. Or maybe you want to follow along with a workbook and some video teachings to help guide you. Either way, know how you learn best and pick something that works with your brain and not against it.

Themed, Topical, or Book-by-Book? What’s Calling Your Name?

Themed studies, topical studies, studies that go book-by-book—girl, it can feel like trying to choose a dessert at a fancy bakery. Everything looks good, but you only get to pick one (for now, at least)!

  • Topical Studies: These are great when you’ve got something specific on your heart. Maybe you’re wanting to learn more about grace, forgiveness, or joy. Topical studies zoom in on one particular theme and explore how Scripture addresses it. These are perfect if you’re in a season where you feel like God is trying to teach you something specific.
  • Themed Studies: These are like a middle ground between topical and book studies. They often focus on themes like “faith through hard times” or “the power of prayer,” but they use various books or passages to explore that theme. It gives you a wide lens view of the Bible, while still focusing on a particular theme.
  • Book-by-Book Studies: These are deep dives into a particular book of the Bible. If you’re someone who wants to get to know God’s Word in its entirety and understand the historical context, what was happening culturally, and how it all ties together—this might be your jam! It’s a slower, methodical approach, but by the end, you’ll have such a rich understanding of that specific book.

Here’s the thing: There’s no “right” answer here, just what you feel called to right now. Maybe one season you’ll focus on a topical study about joy, and the next, you’ll do a deep dive into the Book of Romans. God will meet you wherever you’re at.

What Are Your Spiritual Goals?

It’s easy to get caught up in what study looks cool or what everyone else is doing, but ask yourself: What are your spiritual goals? Maybe you’re looking to strengthen your prayer life, or maybe you want to understand Scripture in a deeper way. Maybe you’re trying to hear God’s voice more clearly in your everyday life.

Once you get clear on what your spiritual goals are, it becomes easier to choose a study that lines up with them. If you’re trying to grow in the area of prayer, for example, look for studies that focus on that. If you’re seeking a deeper understanding of how to apply the Bible to your life, maybe a study that includes life application questions would be a good fit.

Don’t Forget to Ask Around

It’s totally okay to ask friends what studies they’ve enjoyed! But here’s the trick: Don’t feel pressured to pick the same one. Everyone is in a different place in their journey, and what works for them might not be the best fit for you right now.

That being said, if you’re part of a women’s group at church or have some Bible-loving girlfriends, see what they’ve been working through. Sometimes a recommendation from someone who knows you well can be exactly what you need.

Another option is checking out Bible studies that are designed specifically for women. I mean, it’s kind of amazing how many women’s Bible studies are out there now! These studies often speak directly to our hearts and the unique challenges we face as women, which can make them feel even more personal and relatable.

Consider Your Time Commitment

Okay, girl, I’m going to be real here. Time commitment is something we all have to think about when picking a Bible study. It’s easy to get all excited and bite off more than we can chew. I’ve been there! I’ve picked up studies that require an hour every day, thinking, “I can totally do this!” And then life happens, and before I know it, I’m 3 weeks behind and feeling guilty. Let’s not go there, okay?

Take a realistic look at your schedule and choose a study that fits into it. If you know you only have 20 minutes a day (or even a few times a week), that’s okay! There are studies designed for every kind of schedule, from short devotionals to in-depth weekly studies that take a little more time.

The important thing is consistency, not the length of time spent. Don’t worry about being perfect or ticking all the boxes. Just commit to showing up, even if it’s for a few minutes. God honors that!

Group or Solo?

Are you someone who loves community, or do you prefer quiet time with God on your own? This is another big factor when picking the right Bible study.

  • Group Studies: If you thrive off of community and love having discussions with other women about what you’re learning, then a group study might be for you. Whether it’s an in-person group at your church or a virtual one, there’s something so encouraging about digging into the Word with others. Plus, it holds you accountable (which can be a lifesaver when life gets busy!).
  • Solo Studies: On the flip side, if you’re craving some quiet, personal time with God, a solo study can be so refreshing. Just you, your Bible, and maybe a hot cup of tea (or let’s be real, probably coffee). It allows you to go at your own pace and really meditate on what God is teaching you personally.

Both are awesome options, so it’s just about what you feel like you need right now. And hey, you can always switch it up from season to season!

Pray About It (Seriously)

Okay, I know this might sound obvious, but hear me out: Pray about which Bible study to choose. Sometimes we forget to ask God for guidance on the simple things, but He cares about this too! Ask Him to lead you to the study that’s going to draw you closer to Him in this season.

And don’t stress if you don’t hear an answer right away or if you feel unsure. Sometimes God is so gentle in how He nudges us toward something. But trust that He’ll lead you to the right study at the right time. Just keep your heart open.

Give Yourself Grace

Let’s talk about grace. Give yourself some! Life gets busy, distractions pop up, and sometimes we miss a day (or a week… or a month) of Bible study. It’s okay! I think as women, we can put so much pressure on ourselves to be “perfect,” even in our spiritual lives. But here’s the thing—God’s not keeping score.

If you start a study and it doesn’t seem to be clicking, it’s totally fine to set it aside and try something else. You’re not locked into a contract or a commitment you can’t break. There’s freedom in your walk with God. It’s more important that you’re spending time with Him than stressing about completing every single page of a study.

Sometimes, we need to adjust and re-evaluate, and that’s perfectly okay. If you’re feeling guilty because you haven’t finished a study or haven’t been consistent, don’t let that guilt weigh you down. Just pick it back up where you left off or start fresh. God’s not mad at you. He’s ready to meet you right where you are.

Make It Fun!

Let’s not forget that Bible study doesn’t have to be serious all the time. Yes, it’s a sacred and life-changing experience, but it can also be full of joy and discovery! If you’re someone who loves art, try incorporating Bible journaling into your study. Get those colorful pens and stickers out, and make your Bible study time something you look forward to.

Or, if you love connecting with friends, grab a girlfriend (or two) and go through the study together, whether in person or over FaceTime. There’s something so powerful about sharing what God is teaching you with others. It can be fun to discuss how God is speaking to you and hear how He’s working in someone else’s life, too.

You can also set up a cozy Bible study space at home—a place where you feel relaxed and focused. Light a candle, grab a warm drink, and settle into some time with God. Creating a space that feels inviting can make a world of difference.

Trust the Process

Choosing the right Bible study isn’t always straightforward, and sometimes you might start a study and realize it’s not the right fit for you. That’s okay! It’s all part of the process. You’re learning, growing, and figuring out what speaks to your heart in this season.

Don’t feel discouraged if you try a few different studies before finding the one that feels just right. It’s like trying on clothes—you might not find the perfect fit right away, but once you do, it’ll feel amazing.

Remember, the goal isn’t perfection. The goal is to draw closer to God, to hear His voice more clearly, and to let His Word transform your life. And that can happen in so many different ways. Trust that God will use whatever study you choose to speak to you, even if it’s not the one you expected.

Final Thoughts

So, girl, if you’re standing there staring at all the Bible study options, wondering which one is “the one,” take a deep breath. You don’t have to have it all figured out. Start by thinking about where you are in life, what your spiritual goals are, and how you like to learn. Then, pray about it and trust that God will lead you to the right study for this season.

And if you get halfway through a study and realize it’s not quite working for you? That’s okay! Give yourself grace, shift gears, and try something else. The most important thing is that you’re seeking God and spending time in His Word. Whether you’re diving deep into a book study or doing a light, topical study on your lunch break—He’s going to meet you there.

Let’s commit to letting go of the pressure to do it “perfectly” and instead embrace the journey. Bible study is meant to enrich your relationship with God, not overwhelm you. So, girl, go ahead and pick that study that feels right for you. You’ve got this, and God’s got you!

Now, go grab that cup of coffee (or tea, if that’s your thing), crack open your Bible, and get started. I’m cheering you on!

How do you feel about this approach? It reflects the casual and sincere tone that speaks directly to women, just like how you’d talk to a friend! Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to tweak or add!,

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