Let Your Light Shine: DIY Pumpkin Craft to Reflect Your Faith

Alright, ladies, let’s get crafty with a little faith twist today! I’ve got a fun, meaningful project for you, and trust me—you’re gonna love it. We’re taking the whole “being a Christian is like being a pumpkin” thing and turning it into a craft. It’s a perfect activity for fall, whether you’re doing it with your Bible study group, your kiddos, or just for some alone time with God. So grab your pumpkins, and let’s get to it!

What You’ll Need:

  • A pumpkin (real or faux—both work great!)
  • A carving kit (or paint if carving isn’t your thing)
  • A big spoon or scooper (to get all the gunk out)
  • A candle or LED light (something to make your pumpkin glow)
  • Newspaper or a drop cloth (because, let’s be real, this can get messy)

Step 1: Pick Your Pumpkin

So, just like how God picks us out from the patch, you get to pick your pumpkin. Head to the patch or the store, and choose one that speaks to you! It doesn’t have to be perfect (just like us). I usually go for one that’s a little lopsided because it’s got personality, you know?

Step 2: Wash It Up

Once you’ve picked your pumpkin, it’s time to clean it off—just like God cleans us up when He brings us to Him. Get rid of all that dirt, dust, and stuff it’s picked up from rolling around in the patch. A little warm water and a cloth will do the trick.

Step 3: Cut the Top Off

Now comes the fun (and a little scary) part—cutting the top off. I like to think of this part as God opening us up to do a little heart work. Use your carving knife and carefully cut around the stem, making a lid you can pop on and off.

Step 4: Scoop Out the Yuck

Here’s where things get real! Take your big spoon or scooper and start cleaning out all the gunk inside—those slimy seeds and stringy stuff. It’s not the prettiest job, but it’s such a great metaphor for what God does with us. He gets in there and scoops out all the junk we carry around: doubt, fear, hate, greed… all the stuff we don’t need but hold onto anyway. Keep scooping until it’s all cleaned out and smooth inside.

Step 5: Carve a New Face

Now, for the fun part—carving a face! You can get creative here. Maybe a big smile, some joyful eyes—whatever you feel like. Just like how God gives us a fresh, joyful spirit, you’re giving this pumpkin a new look! If you’re not into carving, you can totally paint a face or use craft pumpkins and markers. The point is that God makes us new, and we get to show it!

Step 6: Add the Light

Here’s the best part—pop in your candle or LED light. This is what brings the whole thing together, and it’s such a beautiful picture of what God does in us. When Christ lives in us, His light shines through. Just like your pumpkin glows from the inside out, we get to shine His light for everyone around us to see. And, hey, doesn’t that glow just make everything better?

Step 7: Reflect on Matthew 5:16

While you’re admiring your glowing pumpkin, take a moment to reflect on Matthew 5:16: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” This is exactly what our pumpkins represent—we’re cleaned out, made new, and shining with His light. It’s such a sweet reminder of how we’re meant to live every day.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it! A pumpkin that’s not only cute and festive but also packed with meaning. This is such a fun and tangible way to remember what God’s done for us and how we get to shine for Him. So whether you’re making one with friends or using it as a fun family activity, let it be a reminder that God’s light is in you, ready to shine!

Now, get out there and make some glowing pumpkins! 🎃

Let me know how yours turns out—I’d love to see pictures! And remember, sister, you were made to shine. 😊

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